Example c-shell commands
# In order to build the CAMx model with MPI support, some version of
# an MPI development package must be available on the the same system
# where you compile/build the model. This package includes static libraries
# used to link into the CAMx executable, as well as the FORTRAN header files
# (mpif.h) needed for compiling CAMx. We recommend that the MPI package is
# built from source code using the same compiler that is used to compile
# CAMx.
# This document is guidance on how to build MPI for use with CAMx. It is
# not a shell script. Instead, it contains a list of the commands that
# should be executed and the order of execution. It is assumed that this
# will be done from the command line. The are 2 sections: one for MPICH3
# and another for OpenMPI.
# Building MPICH3 (OpenMPI is below)
# This guidance uses v3.0.4. The libraries in MPICH3 changed with v3.1
# ---- make sure you are using C-shell (the commands could easily be
# translated to BASH shell) ----
# ---- Download MPICH3 source code
# Put this package in a directory on your system. We will refer to this
# directory as {SRC_DIR}. The build of each package will be in a different
# directory (such as /usr/local). We will refer to the directory where
# the packages will be built as {BLD_DIR} ----
# ---- Set the environment variable for the compilers to be used to build
# the packages. We recommend that you use gcc for all C compilations.
# The FORTRAN compiler should be the same compiler used to build CAMx ----
setenv FC pgf90
setenv CC gcc
# ---- Move to the source code directory
cd {SRC_DIR}
# ---- Build the MPICH3 package ---
tar xvzf mpich-3.0.4.tar.gz
cd mpich-3.0.4
./configure --prefix={BLD_DIR}/mpich-3.0.4
make install
# ---- Verify that libraries and executables were built ----
ls -l {BLD_SRC}/mpich-3.0.4/lib/libmpich.a
ls -l {BLD_SRC}/mpich-3.0.4/lib/libmpl.a
ls -l {BLD_SRC}/mpich-3.0.4/bin/mpiexec
# Building OpenMPI (MPICH3 is above)
# ---- Make sure you are using C-shell (the commands could easily be
# translated to BASH shell) ----
# ---- Download OpenMPI source code
# Put this package in a directory on your system. We will refer to this
# directory as {SRC_DIR}. The build of each package will be in a different
$ directory (such as /usr/local). We will refer to the directory where
# the packages will be built as {BLD_DIR} ----
# ---- Set the environment variable for the compilers to be used to build
# the packages. We recommend that you use gcc for all C compilations.
# The FORTRAN compiler should be the same compiler used to build CAMx ----
setenv FC pgf90
setenv CC gcc
# ---- Move to the source code directory
cd {SRC_DIR}
# ---- Build the OpenMPI package ---
tar xvzf openmpi-4.1.0.tar.gz
cd openmpi-4.1.0
./configure --prefix={BLD_DIR}/openmpi-4.1.0 --enable-static
make install
# ---- Verify that libraries and executables were built ----
ls -l {$BLD_DIR}/openmpi-4.1.0/lib/libmpi.a
ls -l {$BLD_DIR}/openmpi-4.1.0/lib/libmpi_mpifh.a
ls -l {$BLD_DIR}/openmpi-4.1.0/bin/mpirun
ls -l {$BLD_DIR}/openmpi-4.1.0/bin/mpif90